A note from Aileen

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As social creatures we often feel raw and more emotional when our cherished traditions or routines are up ended. This may be particularly hard as this holiday weekend approaches. Take a moment and recognize your feelings and give yourself permission to embrace them fully as they are. Remind yourself that this will too pass and when it does your shared times together with family and friends will be even more meaningful. 

Since launching my on-line store, I have learned some valuable lessons as well as receiving some great advice. This has been a steep learning curve for me and in most cases a very positive one. 

Fortunately, I am surrounded by tech savvy people. During a conversation with my lead assistant, I raised the idea of adding reviews to our online store site. Prior to launching my own, I had always read reviews from other sites, especially when considering a purchase. I must confess I am not a frequent online shopper, however during times like this we do not have a choice. 

After doing some digging, we found some interesting facts that I wanted to share. News to me … online reviews in many cases are owned or hosted by third-party companies. These companies may sell your information to others, and then it is out of your control. The bottom line is: YOUR information could then be given to companies other than the one you think you are dealing with!!

I am a big proponent of safety on the internet (i.e. with both my ID and e mail address). To ensure your safety, POSH will not be adding this feature. Instead, we will only be adding testimonials with your permission. 

With today’s climate it is so important be safe. Please pass this on.

Best wishes,



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