Most days I feel like I am in a bad movie and I am pretty sure most of you feel that way too. It looks like it is going to be a long movie. I am waiting for the credits to roll but taking an intermission…
In the past you have basically heard from me about four times a year through email. During this time of social distance/social isolation, unfortunately I do not have the opportunity to see you at Posh. This forces me to change the way I do everyday business. Until things settle down in the world, I will be reaching out through this blog and providing an update approximately once a week. This will include, an update of new styles we have online, special sales happening, discounts available and comfort food recipes (we all love to eat!!).
To begin, I thought I would share a list of some of things I am doing to keep positive and cope during these trying times:
- keeping a schedule;
- growing my online presence;
- exercising by Zoom with my yoga teacher;
- spring cleaning my house;
- talking daily to family and friends by FaceTime, texting or by email;
- cooking new recipes;
- getting caught up with TV, movies Netflix (i.e. comedians-funny and relevant);
- viewing Ted talks by interesting folks;
- listening to new music stations from around the world;
- making new playlists;
- going back to learning French, again ( lol );
- checking out online art galleries, places around the world, all the wonderful good things that are out there. Google Arts and Culture's Google Earth have launched virtual tours of most incredible national parks.
In addition, I have discovered an app Calm which is really helpful when I feel anxious at night. Who doesn’t want to be read a bedtime story? Now that we are forced to stay inside see it as an opportunity acknowledge that “Changes are New Beginnings”.
Thanks for reading,
Muchas gracias. ?Como puedo iniciar sesion?