Christmas is 6 weeks away! Normally in the past I would personally wait until December 1st to get in the festive gift-giving mood. I truly love the last minute rush, the running around, even standing in line to decide which fine single malt scotch I should pick to drink for Christmas Eve by the fire. I used to not mind standing there, people watching and eavesdropping on snippets of conversations. But times have changed: this year the holiday shopping is starting early to avoid shipping delays as we mail gifts to our friends and family away from home. But I must confess, I’m thinking a bit more of self- gifting. Yes, I am going to get those few items that I always coveted to soothe my spirit. Why not! It will be like the Christmas when I snuck into my parents bedroom closet and carefully un-wrapped the big gift with my name on it. I acted surprised and the glance between my mother and I confirmed she knew I had peeked.
This time I'll be wrapping it up for myself and I’lll act surprised just for the fun of it. By the way, I never did snoop again.
Till next week
Be well and give out positive vibes, they come back at you.
Cheers Aileen
This time I'll be wrapping it up for myself and I’lll act surprised just for the fun of it. By the way, I never did snoop again.
Till next week
Be well and give out positive vibes, they come back at you.
Cheers Aileen
Hi Aileen, I can’t believe the self-gifting! That’s exactly what I have done..My husband will be so pleased as he won’t have to bother with anything!! I always act surprised..because sometimes I can’t remember what i bought .
Wishing you and your family a very Merry Xmas and A VERY Happy New year..Cheers to 2021. Colleen D.